Our Admissions Process

Choosing a long-term care or skilled nursing facility for yourself or a loved one can be intimidating, and you want to ensure that you are making an informed decision. At Creative Solutions in Healthcare, we understand the importance of this choice, and we are fully committed to ensuring a smooth and transparent admission process.

Read our Admission Process Article to familiarize yourself with the key steps and get a better understanding of what to expect.

Admission Day Checklist

We will provide the basic necessities, but we find residents feel more comfortable with some of their items from home. Here is a recommended list of things they may want to bring:

Please label all personal belongings with loved one’s name.
  • Personal Identification
  • Insurance Information
  • Photos or a photo album
  • Hairbrush and standard toiletries
  • Their favorite blanket and pillow
  • Their favorite perfume
  • Comfortable clothes, pajamas, and clothes they like to wear to events- laundry service is provided
  • Favorite music or movies
  • Assistive devices (Cane, walker, wheelchair, hearing aids, etc.)

Items Not Allowed:

Aerosols, Sprays, Over-the-Counter Medications, Creams/Ointments, Candles, Tools, Highly Personal & Valuable Items.

To ensure a smooth transition and safeguard personal belongings, we encourage residents to leave sentimental items and valuables.

Other Helpful Resources

Servicios clinicos

Each admission, like each resident, is unique. Our facility’s Director of Nursing and Administrator will assess the individual needs of your loved one and work with you to ensure all goals are met. No matter if you are transferring from home, hospital, or another healthcare facility, we can help. Some of our specialties include: 

  • Rehabilitación a domicilio
  • Programas restaurativos de enfermería
  • Cuidado de relevo
  • Cuidado de heridas
  • Terapia física, ocupacional y del habla
  • Recuperación de la cirugía
  • Accidentes cerebrovasculares y enfermedades neurológicas
  • Enfermedades relacionadas con el corazón
  • Manejo de la diabetes
  • Podología
  • Odontología
  • Optometría
  • Servicios psiquiátricos y psicológicos
  • Hospicio
  • Servicios de transporte
  • Manejo de medicación
  • Servicios nutricionales
  • Servicios religiosos
Payment & Financing

Your benefits will be verified by subject matter experts with extensive knowledge in long-term and short-term care coverage. We will help you take full advantage of your personal plan benefits. We strive to make you aware of your coverage limits in advance, helping you make the best financial decisions for your care. Our goal is full financial transparency.

Even if your preferred payment type, or insurance plan, is not listed below, we encourage you to speak with one of our skilled business office managers. They can work with you and your plan, to help you determine how you can finance your stay.

We have many financing options available including:

  • Seguro médico del estado
  • Seguro de enfermedad
  • Medicaid pendiente
  • Contrato de asunto de veteranos
  • Seguridad de ingresos suplementarios / discapacidad (SSI)
  • Ingresos de seguridad suplementarios: aprobación pendiente
  • Contrato de seguro privado o atención administrada
  • Plan de pago personal
  • Servicios de contrato de hospicio
  • Se aceptan seguros suplementarios
  • Seguro de cuidados a largo plazo
  • Compensación al trabajador
  • Otro seguro de responsabilidad civil / seguro de accidentes automovilísticos

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Línea de atención al cliente

Nuestro equipo de atención especializada busca continuamente formas de mejorar la calidad de la atención que ofrecemos a nuestros residentes. Como residente o miembro de la familia, no dude en comunicarse con nuestra línea de atención al cliente en cualquier momento para expresar inquietudes, ofrecer consejos o buscar ayuda con un problema que pueda tener. Su llamada puede ser anónima, y nuestro equipo de atención al cliente revisa todas las inquietudes y realiza un seguimiento.




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